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PA3: Code Generator Due Monday, 7 April 2025, 11:59PM AoE.

This page is still under construction: check back for more details later.

You may complete this assignment in any language listed on the languages page in buckets 1, 2, or 3. You are required to complete this assignment and PA4 in the same language (you are expected to modify you PA3 assignment for PA4).

You may work in a team of two people for this assignment. If you worked with a teammate on PA2, you do not need to work with the same teammate for this assignment. You do not need to keep the same teammate between this assignment and PA4, but if you choose not to work with your PA3 teammate again on PA4, you must work alone on PA4. The course staff are not responsible for finding you a willing teammate. You are always permitted to work alone, if you choose.


For this assignment you will write a code generator. Among other things, this involves implementing the operational semantics specification of Cool. You will track enough information to generate legitimate run-time errors (e.g., dispatch on void). You do not have to worry about “malformed input” because the semantic analyzer (from PA2) has already ruled out bad programs. You will also write additional code to unserialize the class map, implementation map, parent map, and annotated AST produced by the semantic analyzer.

Summary of Checkpoints

You need to make four submissions for this assignment:

  • PA3c1 requires you to write test cases (i.e., Cool programs) that find injected bugs in our reference compiler. This checkpoint ensures that you have a robust test suite for your own compiler before you begin implementing it in earnest. This checkpoint is relatively straightforward (you just need to write small Cool programs), so it due early: on Friday, March 7.
  • PA3c2 requires you to produce a simple intermediate representation for (some) Cool programs (“three-address code” (TAC), which we’ll discuss in class). While it’s up to you how much you want to use TAC for the rest of PA3, we think it’s a useful intermediate representation, and we want to force you to make some progress early. And, it’s hard to break the compiler up into sensible chunks, so this is the best that we can do. Since producing TAC is pretty straightforward compared to the rest of the compiler implementation, this checkpoint is due relatively quickly after PA3c1: on Friday, March 14.
  • PA3c3 requires that your compiler generates assembly instructions for certain simple Cool programs. This is harder than it sounds: once you have this part working, getting to the full compiler is usually easier than getting to this point. For that reason, we give you a few weeks to make it to this point: it is due on Monday, March 31.
  • PA3 (full) requires that your compiler handle all of Cool. It is due on Monday, April 7.


You must create three artifacts:

  1. A program that takes a single command-line argument (e.g., That argument will be an ASCII text Cool class map, implementation map, parent map and annotated AST file (as described in PA2). Your program must emit x86-64 Assembly Language (file.s). Your program will consist of a number of source files in a single language.
    • Compiling file.s with gcc -no-pie -static on a 64-bit x86 Linux system (specifically, Ubuntu 22.04) must produce an executable that, when run, produces the correct output for according to Cool’s operational semantics.
    • You will only be given .cl-type files from programs that pass the semantic analysis phase of the reference compiler. You are not responsible for correctly handling (1+"hello") programs.
  2. A plain ASCII text file called readme.txt describing your design decisions and choice of test cases. See the grading rubric. A few paragraphs should suffice.
  3. Testcases,, and The testcases should exercise compiler and run-time error corner cases. See the description of PA3c1, below.

Error Reporting

You are guaranteed that the input file will be correctly formed and will correspond to a well-typed Cool program. Thus, there will not be any direct static errors in the input. Those were all caught by the semantic analyzer earlier.

However, you must generate file.s so that it checks for and reports run-time errors. When your file.s program detects an error, it should use Cool’s built-ins (e.g., IO.out_string)via assembly instructions to cause an error string to be printed to the screen.

To report an error, write the string ERROR: line_number: Exception: message and terminate the program. You may generate your file.s so that it writes whatever you want in the message, but it should be fairly indicative. Example erroneous input:

class Main inherits IO {
  my_void_io : IO ; -- no initializer => void value
  main() : Object {
    my_void_io.out_string("Hello, world.\n")
  } ;
} ;

For such an input, you must generate a well-formed file.s assmebly language file. However, when that file is executed on an x86-64 machine, it will produce output such as:

ERROR: 4: Exception: dispatch on void

To put this another way, rather than actually checking for errors directly, you must generate assembly code that will later check for and report errors. You probably want to examine how the reference compiler does this to get an idea of what to do.

Line Numbers for Error Reporting

The typing rules do not directly specify the line numbers on which errors are to be reported. As of v1.36, the Cool reference compiler uses these guidelines:

  • Stack overflow: undefined (not your responsibility)
  • Division by zero: location of the division expression
  • Substring out of range: location of the internal expression (i.e., 0)
  • Dispatch on void: location of dispatch expression
  • case-related errors: location of case expression

Note that the reference interpreter uses different line numbers in some cases; you must match the reference compiler (which you invoke by passing the --x86 argument to cool).


You will have to handle all of the internal functions (e.g., IO.out_string) that are defined in the Cool Reference Manual.

You can do basic testing as follows:

cool --x86
gcc -no-pie -static file.s
./a.out &> reference-output
gcc -no-pie -static file.s
./a.out &> my-output
diff my-output reference-output

Whitespace and newlines do not matter in your file.s assembly code. However, whitespace and newlines do matter for the output of your assembly code. This is because you are specifically being asked to implement IO and string functions.

You should implement all of the operational semantics rules in the Reference Manual. You will also have to implement all of the built-in functions on the five Basic Classes.

© 2022-2025 Martin Kellogg, Wes Weimer, Jonathan Bell, Adeel Bhutta and Mitch Wand. Released under the CC BY-SA license