Date and Time
Event and Links
Tuesday 9/6/22, 11:30am
Introducton. Please try to come to class
in-person today. Join class online; Martin has covid.
Thursday 9/8/22, 11:30am
Heuristic bug finding. Read Lessons from building static analysis tools at Google and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Monday 9/12/22, 11:59pm
HW1 due; submit on Canvas.
Tuesday 9/13/22, 11:30am
Abstract Interpretation. Read "Notes on Program Analysis", sections 2.0 to 2.14, and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 9/15/22, 11:30am
Abstract Interpretation. Read "Notes on Program Analysis", sections 2.15 to 2.20 and
Abstract Interpretation: a semantics-based tool for program analysis, sections 1.0-2.2; skim remainder of section 2. Answer reading questions on Canvas.
Monday 9/19/22, 11:59pm
Project proposals due; submit on Canvas.
Tuesday 9/20/22, 11:30am
Abstract Interpretation. No reading for today.
Thursday 9/22/22, 11:30am
Standard Type Systems. Read Lambda Calculus and "Type Systems", sections 1-4; and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 9/22/22, 11:59pm
HW2: Part 1 due; submit on Canvas. (HW2 is section 2.21.2 from "Notes on Program Analysis"; part 1 is exercise 29.)
Tuesday 9/27/22, 11:30am
Type Inference. Read Chapter 30 of "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation" (pages 289-299 in the linked PDF) and Principal type-schemes for functional programs (note that this 1982 paper was re-typeset in 2010 to give a more pleasant reading experience; yes, the paper is famous enough to warrant that; I have linked the re-typeset version, but you may search for the original and read that if you desire); answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 9/29/22, 11:30am
Type Inference 2: Algorithm W. No additional reading.
Thursday 9/29/22, 11:59pm
HW2: Part 2 due; submit on Canvas. (HW2 is section 2.21.2 from "Notes on Program Analysis"; part 2 is exercise 30. Note that this is a programming assignment: start early!)
Monday 10/3/22, 11:59pm
Project proposal resubmission due; submit on Canvas. Your resubmission should accurately reflect your plan for the rest of the semester, taking into account the feedback you got on your original proposal.
Tuesday 10/4/22, 11:30am
Pluggable Type Systems. Read A Theory of Type Qualifiers and Practical Pluggable Types for Java, and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 10/6/22, 11:30am
Project presentations. Prepare
a 15-minute presentation on your revised project proposal,
explaining it to your classmates.
You will be evaluated both on the content and on the
delivery of your presentation. Submit your presentation slides
on Canvas at least one hour before lecture.
Tuesday 10/11/22, 11:30am
Typestate Analysis. Skim Typestate: A Programming Language Concept for Enhancing Software Reliability to get the general idea of what typestate is (and its history), and then read Effective Typestate Verification in the Presence of Aliasing and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 10/13/22, 11:30am
Accumulation Analysis. Read
Accumulation Analysis, then
skim Verifying Object Construction to see an example of an accumulation analysis in practice,,
and then answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 10/18/22, 11:30am
Floyd-Hoare Logic. Read
Jonathan Aldrich's Notes on Hoare Logic
and then Classical Program Logics: Hoare Logic, Weakest Liberal Preconditions,
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 10/20/22, 11:30am
Verification by reduction to SMT: what is SAT-solving?. Skim Chapter 1 of "Calculus of Computation", sections
1 to 1.6 (pages 2-21 in the PDF) to make sure you understand the basics of propositional logic.
Then read the remainder of chapter 1 (section 1.7, pages 21-31) in detail.
Then answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 10/25/22, 11:30am
Guest Lecture: Equality Saturation.
Max Willsey will give a guest lecture on his work on
e-graphs and equality saturation. No reading for today.
Thursday 10/27/22, 11:30am
Verification by reduction to SMT: using an SMT solver.
Read Programming Z3 (pages 165-214 in the PDF; it's not as long as it seems).
Then answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 11/01/22, 11:30am
Verification by reduction to SMT: SMT-based tools.
Read Extended Static Checking For Java.
Then answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 11/01/22, 11:59pm
Project checkpoint 1 report due; submit on Canvas.
Thursday 11/03/22, 11:30am
Reduction to graph reachability: IFDS
Skim Precise Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis via Graph Reachability, focusing on understanding the idea of the core algorithm rather than the specific details provided in the paper.
Then, read Inter-procedural data-flow analysis with IFDS/IDE and Soot; you should understand IFDS well-enough to make sense of section 2.
Then answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 11/8/22, 11:30am
Applications of IFDS. Read
FlowDroid: Precise Context, Flow, Field, Object-sensitive and Lifecycle-aware Taint Analysis for Android Apps
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 11/10/22, 11:30am
Unsoundness. Read
In Defense of Soundiness: A Manifesto
and An Experimental Evaluation of Deliberate Unsoundness in a Static Program Analyzer,
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 11/15/22, 11:30am
Martin out of town: Iulian will guest lecture.
Read Contextual Effects for Version-Consistent Dynamic Software Updating and Safe Concurrent Programming
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 11/17/22, 11:30am
Martin out of town: Iulian will guest lecture.
Read Automatically Verifying and Reproducing Event-Based Races in Android Apps
and Static Detection of Event-based Races in Android Apps
and then answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 11/22/22, 11:30am
Project status presentations. Prepare a 15+5 presentation (i.e., 15 minutes of you talking, and 5 minutes for
questions) about the current state of your course project. Be sure to update the class on any changes you've made to the project itself
as well as on your progress so far. Submit your slides on Canvas at least one hour before lecture.
Thursday 11/24/22, 11:30am
No class: Thanksgiving.
Tuesday 11/29/22, 11:30am
Unsoundness in practice. Read
NullAway: Practical Type-Based Null Safety for Java
and Rapid: Checking API Usage for the Cloud in the Cloud
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 11/29/22, 11:59pm
Project checkpoint 2 report due; submit on Canvas.
Thursday 12/1/22, 11:30am
Incorrectness Logic. Read
Incorrectness Logic
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 12/6/22, 11:30am
Topic: Array Bounds Analysis. Read
Clousot: Static Contract Checking with Abstract Interpretation
(focus on their handling of arrays, which is what we'll discuss in class)
and Lightweight Verification of Array Indexing,
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Thursday 12/8/22, 11:30am
Topic: Resource Leak Analysis. Read
Grapple: A Graph System for Static Finite-State Property Checking of Large-Scale Systems Code
(focusing on how they handle resource leaks)
and Lightweight and Modular Resource Leak Verification,
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 12/13/22, 11:30am
Topic: Analysis of Uses of Cryptography. Read
CRYSL: An Extensible Approach to Validating the Correct Usage of Cryptographic APIs
and Continuous Compliance (focus on their handling of correct use of cryptography, especially the comparison experiment in section 7),
and answer reading questions on Canvas.
Tuesday 12/13/22, 11:59pm
Project final report (draft) due; submit on Canvas.
Monday 12/19/22, 2:30pm
Final exam (final presentations) and course wrapup.
Prepare a 15+5 presentation on your final course project results. Submit your slides on Canvas at least one hour before the exam.
Location: CKB 223
Tuesday 12/20/22, 11:59pm
Project final report resubmission due; submit on Canvas.